Zeljko Kopic a început curățenia de iarnă la Dinamo București, iar Soro, cel care a jucat la Real Madrid, îi va părăsi pe „câini” și va ajunge în Portugalia. Reamintim că trupa din „Ștefan cel […] The post Kopic a început curățenia. Soro, care a jucat la Real Madrid, pleacă de la Dinamo în Portugalia appeared first on Prosport.
The main idea is that Soro, a former Real Madrid player, is leaving Romanian team Dinamo to join a club in Portugal.
The text is likely announcing this transfer news and is hinting at insider information ("Ai un pont?") suggesting they might know or have a source for more details about the move.
The main idea is that Soro, a former Real Madrid player, is leaving Romanian team Dinamo to join a club in Portugal. The text is likely announcing this transfer news and is hinting at insider information ("Ai un pont?") suggesting they might know or have a source for more details about the move.